Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mother and Daughter(s) Tea

While Mom and Jenee' were here for Christmas, I thought it would be nice to take Mom to a Royal tea at the Ritz Carlton, so that is just what we did. It was a surprise and when we pulled up to the hotel, Mom was very surprised. It was so nice to honor her in a very special way. The only thing missing was the other two sisters. We had yummy sandwiches, desserts and of course the tea of our choosing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

18 month checkup

Well, the monkey is 18 months and here is her report. Can you believe it has been a year and a half already???

Height: 34 inches Weight: 27 lbs. and 14 oz. She continues to be in the 95% for each of these categories. No shots for this check up (thank the Lord). I guess at her 2 year check there will be another round. She is showing signs of potty training by telling us when she goes and a few times before she needs to go, so on the potty we go. I have no idea what the process here is so I better get to researching.

I could tell you all of the many words she is saying, but I am not sure which ones are actually new or just refined from 15 months. She is getting SO big and doing so many new things and we are daily amazed by her and continue to thank God for her. We can't imagine life without her.
Enjoy a few pictures of her below.

Isabella received a sock monkey ornament to place on the tree.

Reading to her animals

Dancing with her baby and if you are close she will hand you a baby or animal so you can swing them around and dance too. Good times.

Reviewing and talking about all of the ornaments on the tree. This was done daily at our house. When she saw an ornament with a Santa Clause, she would say, "Papa." Smart kid.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

I don't know why, but I do know one thing. This is the cutest chicken I have ever seen! That's right, Isabella was a chicken for Halloween. We did manage to go around the neighborhood for a few minutes and gather some candy (for Chris and I) and then we went the The House, where we were hosting a Halloween party for junior and senior high students. We had about 220 students attend and it was a hit. Here is the little chicken (and the last picture with Cinderella....who else could be more appropriate, really?)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Laughter, the best medicine

Our little girl is quite the joker. She now loves to tickle you back if you tickle her and just to hear that giggle makes you smile from ear to ear. I love it! We were outside this past weekend and she was being her silly self and has been trying to "skip" and then she thinks it is funny and laughs at herself. Well, we managed to snap a few shots of this. She of course throws her head back and forward when she laughs (I am not sure where she got that?)
The last few pictures are of Izzy and I playing around in the backyard with leaves, weeds, rocks, etc...ya know, the fun stuff.
The bump on her lower lip is where she took a dive into the coffee table...ouch!

This is what Izzy does if you say "Touchdown!"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Growing up

After taking a bath one evening, I was combing her hair as Chris read to her...and thought, "Wow, her hair sure has gotten long in the last few months." I immediately thought, I should give her a trim, but let us ponder that for a realistic amount of time...YA RIGHT!!!! I think I might be crazy to do it myself. She rarely sits still and pushes me away if I am combing her in the world am I going to have her sit long enough to make a nice trim all the way around? Okay, experienced moms or anyone out there....have any ideas?
These are just a few pictures I snapped one morning before school. She loves sitting in the "big chair" to have a small breakfast snack before we scoot out the door. Gotta love that smile. She is such a happy kid, and for that we are soooo thankful.

Lovely Fall

We, along with thousands of other people in the world, visited the pumpkin patch. Boy was this little girl excited to see so many stinkin' pumpkins. I will let the pictures do the talking. She is at such a fun age right now, almost 17 months. We are constantly laughing at all of the funny things she does, the looks she gives us and of course we are learning the words she is trying to say.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Someone is expecting...

another baby!! That's right, my college roommate (Chris's cousin), Becca is due with her second on April 30th. I am not going to lie...I hope he/she is early, like on the 13th or something:) hee hee.

Anyway, the other cool part of this is that her sister, Debbie is pregnant too and is due around the same time!! Isn't that cool? Congrats to you both!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Get Excited!

Can I just tell you how excited I am about this? The Office season premier, whoohoo! Tomorrow night, there will be much laughter going on in the Field household....yippee skippee.

A Visit to the DC Zoo

Well, we took a trip to the Washington DC National Zoo for the first time with the monkey. She had a pretty good time of course, since she is a complete animal lover. On Daddy's shoulders...cute.
This Elephant is about to get a bath.

Huge Hippo. This thing weighs between 6,000 and 7,000 lbs. He is 27 years old and will probably live closer to 50 years.
Not at the Zoo, at our neighbors birthday party.
Threw these in just for fun. She LOVES to help mommy swiffer.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Destin 2008 -- First Visit to the Destin Commons Fountain

Destin Commons is an outdoor mall in Destin with a huge fountain for kids to run through.

Aunt Jenna finally convinced Izzy to try it, but as you'll see, she was perfectly content to stay with the broken fountain. If you're looking for a laugh, fast forward to about the 5-minute mark.

Destin 2008 -- First Day at the Beach

Like Mommy, like daughter. The Iz loved the beach.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Destin 2008 -- Izzy Discovers the Balcony

Again, we're way behind on videos, so here's some stuff from our Destin trip the last week of August. Lots of pictures were posted earlier.

Izzy loved the balcony of the condo. As you can see, she was pretty stoked about the ocean.

Spit Bubbles

We've really been falling behind on posting videos of everybody's favorite pet monkey. So, over the coming days, look for some new video (well, new to you anyway).

A month or two ago, our genius kid figured out that she can blow bubbles with her spit. Her parents are so proud. (Daddy was having some camera problems.)

Monday, September 08, 2008

15 Months Old

Ms. Isabella turned 15 months old today and she is weighing in at 27.4 lbs., approx. 32.25 inches high (95% for both), wearing mostly 18-24 month clothes (we have even bought 2T), size 5-6 in shoes, size 4 diaper and is saying some words, but mostly babbling every second she is awake. Some words she has been saying for awhile now are:

Daddy, Sanka, uh-oh, trees, cheese, snack, shoes, fish, doggie, teeth, and Allie (our neighbor).

She is also doing really well saying animal noises like:

Dog (pants), cat (meow), fish (smacks lips), snake ("s" noise), cow (moo), owl (who-who), horse (flaps lips), elephant (upper lip over bottom lip)

She knows where many of her body parts are and will point to them if you ask her:

nose, hair, ears, teeth, lips, eyes, fingers, elbow, knees, toes, and of course the funniest, belly button. She likes to point to mommy and daddy's too.

She does a lot of sign language too:

More, milk, eat, hat, dog, baby, please

Anyway, she is a busy little monkey and we are having so much fun with her, wish all of the family could see her. Videos and more up to date pictures to come...

Friday, September 05, 2008

Destin, Take 2

Okay, here are the rest of the pictures from vacation. I can't leave any out, the grandthings would know....and this is mostly for them since they are missing their
grandchild growing up. (Yes, I am sad and bitter, can you tell?) Izzy had fun playing at the fountain this year, however not brave enough to run under the big ones, and played with the little small broken fountain and then a little girl came along and sprayed Izzy right in the face. I don't think she did it on purpose, but Izzy was not having that. After a few brief moments of crying and dried the eyes, she was back at it and let the little girl know that was her broken fountain and there were lots of other ones she can go and spray.
The magical tongue, thanks to her Dad appears in majority of her pictures.

The gang at dinner. Not sure why Izzy is making that face.