Friday, March 12, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance - 2 year old style

You can watch Izzy saying hr Pledge of Allegiance here.  Don't be offended she is not actually holding a flag, but a feathery pink boa thing.  To her, anything can be flag if you are holding it up.  Sorry that these are sideways.

Also, the Christian flag, sort in progress on the second half)

And a pledge to the Bible

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Camping - Izzy style

Izzy received a camping gift from a friend of mine for her 1st birthay and she STILL loves it.  It is made by Little People, highly recommended if you need a gift for a girl.  Here is Izzy (and Daddy) in action.

Monday, March 01, 2010


So, this is a post that comes from a book that was introduced to me this past Fall.  "Journeys with the Messiah" by Michael Belk. (  Michael is an amazing photographer and has taken his talent and turned it into these awesome pictures, followed with great story.  This one, "Ragamuffins," was one that stuck out to me today and I wanted to share.  The picture below is poor resolution, but if you go to the website, it is much better.
Accepting a gift with humility.

When Jesus said to His followers, “To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must come as little children”, I assumed He meant because of their innocence. Then, reflecting back on my time as a child and times I have watched my own or others playing, I could only conclude that “their innocence” was not the virtue to which Jesus was speaking.

Children were loved in the first century, but unlike children today, the world did not revolve around them – gifts for every occasion, birthday parties and trips to Disney World. Children were more humble, having fewer expectations than children today.

The Kingdom will be a gift to people who know they are not worthy of such a gift – “the poor in spirit” - the people who are not trying to impress others or position themselves where they will look good to the King. “Come as little children” means come to Him in humility, expecting nothing, knowing that grace and salvation come as His gift. A relationship with Christ is much more about the gift received than what we give up.

Take some time today to read and reflect on Mark 10:13-15.