Thursday, May 31, 2007

Middle East Update From Nay

Iraq has big spiders.

Apparently, camel spiders (this one's a baby) can jump and run very fast.

This is why God made sidearms.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This Is Not For Dogs

Sanka's going to have a real shock to her system when the baby arrives. This has been her kingdom for some time. Now is the time to get her used to all the gear that will be invading her space.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Baby's New Quarters

We finally have the nursery ready -- at least the furniture. Jayci's been slacking on the decorations.

As you can see by how nice it looks, Chris had no part in picking the colors or decor of the room.

Here are a few pics so that the grandthings can see how their favorite grandchild will be living (and so y'all can get her a few things to go with the room).