Monday, June 22, 2009

2009 US Open

Through work, I received the invitation to the 2009 US Open on Saturday. When I got the invite, I wasn't sure how that was going to work for me to get out to the Beth Page Black course at Farmingdale, New York, which is on Long Island. After researching a bit, I figured out how to get there and for a reasonable price. Since Sunday was Father's Day, I figured I had better come back same day...long trip, but totally worth it!

I had a great time. Unfortunately there were no cell phones or cameras allowed (for good reason, because you know everyone would be one them or ringing during a drive or put,) so I couldn't tell friends and family which holes I was at. I did manage to see many of the top players for round 2 and they started round 3 later that day, but suspended shortly after for the rain. It was a big muddy mess there. I would hate to be the person to have to clean all that up! here is my one picture with the Trophy, dorky, but had too since I didn't have a camera!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nana and Papa's House

Isabella got to go see her Idaho Nana and Papa. She had teh best time. She was busy in Nana's garden, picking strawberries and helping pull weeds:) Good girl. She was also a good sport at going to get coffee with Mommy at my favorite spots, plus a few Sonic runs.

We also went to the Henricksons to visit the pigs, baby turkey, chickens, rooster, kitties, dog, and horses. Wow, does she love animals! She is still telling everyone she meets. In the airplane on teh way back to Virginia a lady said hi to her in line and she immediately started telling her about the animals she had seen during her trip. Thanks Becca and Owen for taking us out on teh farm:)

And we had cake for her and Scout's June birthdays. Izzy got her very own umbrella with matching boots and raincoat!

2 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Monday, June 08, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Isabella!!!!!

Well, we had lots of festivities over the weekend. Our "baby" turned 2, can you believe it? It makes us sad and happy all at once. Here are some highlights from the party on Sunday and the opening of gifts on her real birthday today. We had a Veggie Tales party. I managed to make a cake that was Bob, the tomato and Larry, the cucumber. She loved it. We had over 30 people at "The Big House" and still had almost 18 no shows. Since people on the East coast do not RSVP, I had no idea how many to expect....but had enough food for everyone, so it worked out. We played bubbles and sidewalk chalk...inside! It was a beautiful day, but why go outside and sweat when Todd said we can do it inside? Plus cement floors at The House mop up real nice:) Thanks Todd! The kids also threw the dodge balls around and attempted to shoot hoops, play pool, air hockey, and foosball. We sang Happy Birthday, which we learned after singing all week doesn't matter because when 30 people are singing it to you, it is overwhelming. Izzy cried. We gave her a few seconds and she got better but was unsure she wanted to blow out her candle, so Honey helped. Thank goodness for Honey. Then we ate cake....ate some more cake, and ate some more cake...holy sugar rush!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cinderella Ball 2009

The Cinderella Ball was another success and so much fun! Thank you to all who supported us yet again! In my opinion, this was the best year yet. The ballroom was packed with so many students and parents that night and all seemed to have the time of their life. Jordin Sparks did an amazing job, especially for not having a voice when she got there and she was incredible with the students. She was so genuine and took time to talk to all the students when they came for an autograph. Kyle spoke again this year and did awesome as always. We are so blessed to have him on our team. Here are a few highlights.

Jordin Sparks and Kyle MeynardJordin, Helen and Kyle

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Topsy Turvy

Has it been that long? Sorry for the neglect on embarrassing. Let's say we have been busy!

As long as I have been married, which is almost 8 years (what?), I have wanted a garden, but the places we've lived have not allowed us to do so. And maybe we should be honest about how much time and commitment these take...I can barely keep my house clean, so keeping a garden might prove to be a challenge. Growing up, we ate so much out of that garden, it was wonderful. I am sure my Dad would say something else about it, since he was the one to have to till it every year in preparation for planting again.

So, this is my attempt at a very small garden. Our back deck gets sun all afternoon, so anyone who knows tomatoes, knows they LOVE sun. I planted this little guy on Mother's Day and we are just about to enjoy (knock on wood) some yummy "Bob's" as Izzy calls them. If you have watched the Veggie Tales, you know why. So, we shall see in days, weeks what comes of these little flowers on the plant. Stay tuned...