Ms. Isabella turned 15 months old today and she is weighing in at 27.4 lbs., approx. 32.25 inches high (95% for both), wearing mostly 18-24 month clothes (we have even bought 2T), size 5-6 in shoes, size 4 diaper and is saying some words, but mostly babbling every second she is awake. Some words she has been saying for awhile now are:
Daddy, Sanka, uh-oh, trees, cheese, snack, shoes, fish, doggie, teeth, and Allie (our neighbor).
She is also doing really well saying animal noises like:
Dog (pants), cat (meow), fish (smacks lips), snake ("s" noise), cow (moo), owl (who-who), horse (flaps lips), elephant (upper lip over bottom lip)
She knows where many of her body parts are and will point to them if you ask her:
nose, hair, ears, teeth, lips, eyes, fingers, elbow, knees, toes, and of course the funniest, belly button. She likes to point to mommy and daddy's too.
She does a lot of sign language too:
More, milk, eat, hat, dog, baby, please
Anyway, she is a busy little monkey and we are having so much fun with her, wish all of the family could see her. Videos and more up to date pictures to come...